Monday, May 25, 2009

Star Spangled Bannner

TheStarSpangledBannerasyouveneverheardit.wmv (1802KB)

On this blessed Memorial day when we pause to give thanks for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, this story about the real meaning behind the National Anthem gave me chills. To think that people were this brave and strong in their convictions brings tears to my eyes and hope to my soul that America may still be able to foster up this same spirit in the days and years ahead to save our country from the slippery slope of decline that we are now on. A great line from this message, with all due respect to our current President, was " What separates the American Chrisitan from the rest of the world is he would rather die standing on his feet, than live on his knees." May we never forget what our forefathers did and sacrificed for our freedoms, and may we never let them down during our time. Thank you for all that have come before me and all of our brave soldiers that sacrificed with the ultimate price so that I may be free.

God Bless America!

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