Saturday, June 30, 2012

Checks and Imbalances


 What am I on crazy pills? This whole Supreme Court fiasco has left me shaking my head and wondering what Country I am living in because it sure doesn't look like the U.S.A anymore. When the Supreme Court of the United States is threatened prior to a ruling on a key piece of legislation by the President of the United States himself and then that same Court in fact buckles under the weight of that political pressure, " to uphold the image of the Court" as Chief Justice Roberts so eloquently opined yesterday after his incomprehensible reasoning for allowing the Obamacare mandate to stand yesterday, than I dare say that the entire liberty of our political system is at stake.It is beyond belief that Chief Justice Roberts, a " conservative " judge who was appointed by President Bush allowed this mandate to stand on an argument so far out of left field that the Obama administration never even spent barely a moment trying to argue that point at all in the previous trials leading up to this Suprem Court decision. In the irony of all ironies, by calling Obamacare a tax, he single-handedly allowed the largest tax increase in the history of the United States to be passed onto the people and left the door wide open for the Government in the future to levy taxes against us for anything they say we must do, but we don't want to do. That sure doesn't sound like DEMOCRACY to me, but rather some type of quasi-socialism with a Marxist bent. John Roberts is the biggest turncoat in American History since Benedict Arnold and should immediately resign his position, not so much because of the decision he made, which was a  poor one at best, but because he allowed himself to be politicized, which is strictly taboo for a Supreme Court Justice with a lifetime job that is not subject to voter elections. He was apparently intimidated by the potential fall-out of what the far left wing media and their angry throngs would have cast upon the Supreme Court if he would have voted with his moral imperative. They would have called the court racist, facist, ignorant. How dare they question the authority of their anointed one himself . But in the end, they did something much worse. The Court sold its soul for the right to avoid the scathing scrutiny from the radical left. How sad that this country has become so polarized that we can no longer even count on the high court to be immune from the politics that are threatening to destroy us from the inside, just as Thomas Jefferson warned. Is this the path that people in this country want? To have the Government telling us how to best run our lives? Everything the Government ever touches is either bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt. Do people really believe they can manage a program like health care that encompasses about 1/6 of the American Economy when they can't even keep the Postal Service solvent? Has anyone bothered to check the fiscal state of Social Security or Medicare or any other Entitlement program? Doesn't exactly inspire confidence.I guess the perfect storm of a media who has lost all ability to impartially report the news, instead of creating news by inciting people with inflammatory reporting and rhetoric, a fearful country where unemployment is at real rate of around 20% counting those who have stopped looking for work altogether, and a country who continues to turn their back on the God Almighty who had so richly blessed this Nation because of our professed dependence upon Him for our sovereignty, and you get a country who has lost a sense of its values.WE ARE A NATION THAT IS FALLING INTO THE PIT THAT WE HAVE DUG FOR OURSELVES. The moral compass of this country has been hijacked by those with an agenda that is not entirely clear, except to create upheaval and over turn the principles of our DEMOCRACY that has been the keeper of our once great country for its first 232 years. A house divided cannot stand, and we are no longer one country, indivisible under God, but rather a country divided by race, by religion, by political affiliation, by socioeconomic status. By almost anything you can think of really. Perpetuated by the President himself. How crazy is that? The man who campaigned as a uniter is the greatest divider this country has ever seen. He always is looking out for situations to drive a racial wedge or a socio-economic wedge into our country's heart. It is always us vs them, never we the people. He is the worst example of a leader that I could ever imagine and yet people are captivated by his deception, just as if he was the devil himself. Never take responsibility, always blame others, and never take responsibility. Oh yeah, I already said that. In the age of instant information, everyone wants to be their own King, and certainly citizens will vote for the people in power who promise them the most from the public coffers.HE IS VERY GOOD AT THAT. Do nothing, don;t worry, we will take care of you. Or rather the working tax payers of this country will. Except we know that will never last, nor will it ever work. It is certainly not how our country was founded, but rather the opposite of the American Dream. It is the American Nightmare. We are becoming George Orwell's 1984, a people who soon will lose out on the liberties they have come to take for granted, by a Government who is intent on taking them all away to fulfill their narcissistic need for power. It is no longer a Government who works for the people, but rather who steps on the people. We are sheep, and we are expendable. Two parties fighting for power, not willing to give an ideological inch to reach compromise and do what's best for the people, but rather to lead us right into the abyss from reach there is no escape. I see the way these politicians act, and it sickens me. What type of role models are these people? Do they not know that they are elected by the people for the people? Instead, they lie about everything. They cheat about everything. They self aggrandize about everything. But they do absolutely nothing for the good of our country. When the Democrats walked out of Congress yesterday, to protest the Contempt of Congress charges being brought against Eric Holder, I ALMOST THREW UP. What if I taught my kid that whenever he doesn't get his way in life he should just quit? What type of man would he be? He should just take his ball and go home if he doesn't like the score of the game. What a mockery to our country and to the people who died fighting for our freedom and liberty. And what a disgrace to the deceased Border Patrol Agent Terry's family, who deserve the respect of finding out who was responsible for the botched operation that led to the the killing of their son. Those Congressmen and women should be ashamed and I pray that the American public will vote them out of office, the first chance they get, for their disrespectful act to what it means to an elected official in our country. They are a disgrace to our flag and to what we represent as a country. So, soon we will get to decide where we go as a country. This next election will determine not only our future, but the future of our children and grandchildren. The choice is a clear one. Some people still love this country and realize why we were great and want to return to what made us great. Limited Government, free enterprise, faith, family and values. Others seemingly hate what we stand for, and rather than simply moving to a different country that offers what all these people are looking for, they seem intent on bringing us down one way or another, to a path not yet traveled. It could get very ugly.Certainly it will not be a path that anyone of us who love this country will recognize.May the Grace of God keep us from finding out what it will look like.

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